Father's Day Out

When I was in Iowa, Buddie took a very long bike ride out to Brockport, NY, which is 25 miles as the bike flies. He called me for company on that ride and I picked out a delicious-sounding BBQ joint for him to use as his turn around spot. He could have a beer and some BBQ before the journey home.
He was in the parking lot of the restaurant when he realized he didn't have his wallet.
With sad trombones playing in his mind, he biked home; beer-less and BBQ-less.
This weekend we made up for all those sad trombones.
After his weekly family call, well covered in sunscreen and with lots of lemonade, we set out.

It was a perfect outing day. The sun was shining, but not too hot. There were lots of people out, but not too many on the bike paths.
We had money and we had a destination.
We had lunch at the same place he had looked at longingly the week before: 58 Main BBQ and Brew.

It felt so good to settle into the booth and relax.
After mostly delicious food, we headed back into the sun for the 25 miles home.
With a stop for ice cream a couple towns over. 😁

The last stretch included much groaning each time we shifted on our saddles. Fifty miles on a bike is the longest I have ever gone. Buddie has done multiple rides of this length, but it still isn't easy.
Because we are on a phone call for these rides so we can chat easily, the moans and groans also brought shared laughter, which eased the pain.

We hope for many more rides in the future.