Flowery Friday

Flowery Friday

The inspiration from this latest Spanish trip was to create a floral oasis on our front porch. We found so much joy and comfort in the assorted outside spaces on our trip, we wanted to carry that home.

San Sebastian
Palma de Mallorca

This weekend we finally had the chance to put some of those plant plans in place. We had a modest budget in mind. We had purchased seven rail planters, a stacked planter, and assorted putting soils from Aldi's. Now we needed plants.

Buds found the extraordinary Garden Factory https://www.gardenfactoryny.com/ for us to explore.

I think we can find a few things we like here.
The huge garden gnome is not for sale.
This is a good beginning.

Buster and I spent several hours earlier this week getting the yard in shape and reclaiming the front walkway from the encroaching grass, so heading home to plant was all we needed to do.

The front walk before Buster got to work:

After he gave it a shave and a haircut:

Buds and I gloried in mixing soils and filling pots; deciding how and what to mix and match.

Flowers, herbs, a couple tomatoes. We don't get a lot of sun, so we choose carefully.

A work in progress. Lots of dappled sunlight.
Planters up and filled.

Buds and I were having the discussion about who the garden is for. Do we want it to look beautiful as people and pets walk by? Definitely.

But mostly we want to feel relaxed and surrounded by beauty and joy as we recline and visit with our chosen people on the front porch.

Hopefully we've found that balance.

Mocha is pleased.
Dirty knees, full heart.