Spain 2024-Day 13-Valencia

Buds knew he was going to have a long, difficult work day, and this is our last full day in Valencia, so we wanted to wring the full measure out that we could.
Up and out early on our rented bikes, we rode to a beautiful park near the sporting goods store we wanted to check out one more time.
We docked our bikes and headed down into the park for a run. This park had a surprise for us.
A bike path, a walking path, and a separate path for runners!

Once we were through with our run, we still had 30 minutes before the store opened. We chose an "organic" cafe a 15 minute walk away because we know that designation tends to ensure they will have decaffeinated coffee as well as soy or oat milk. We were so glad we did!

When I told the barista how much we loved the bear she came over to visit. Her grandfather grows the coffee in Guatemala and her mother is the exporter. They roast their own coffee and sell it from this coffee shop, as well as other places. Her English and my Spanish got a little exhausted at this point.
This was our favorite coffee of the whole trip so far. Buds bought some of the ground coffee to take with us for the rest of the trip.

This was such a great reminder about why it's good to wander around. The same thing happened to us last night. We stumbled into the East Asian food part of town, which we had never found before. Last night's dinner and this coffee this morning were such winners.
We also stumbled across one of the two remaining ancient city gates.

I love to dream of the time when these gates would have been a vibrant part of life here; how the gates would have inspired confidence; how hot oil would feel pouring on your head. 🤔

After our daily grocery store stop, we returned home for meetings, study, and planning.

We leave via train for Cordoba early'ish in the morning, but Buds was so keyed up and emotionally and mentally exhausted after a day filled with difficult meetings, we headed out at 9:30 p.m. to find a quiet restaurant to decompress and relax.
Back to Chinatown, we chose a different Vietnamese restaurant and enjoyed it.

A little nighttime walk, then home to rest for our last sleep in Valencia.