2024 Spain-Valencia-Eurogrocery

We're in a new spot and settled in for a few days. This means a grocery run. Here's a breakdown of what we got and how much we paid. The current exchange rate is $0.93 dollars per Euro. Here's what we got for 35.86 euros. The receipt helpfully details what level of tax (IVA) we're paying on which items.

First up, drinks and yogurt.

Many stores have juicers that will make deliciously fresh juice for a slight premium. The Gazpacho will be a dinner one night. The vegan yogurts are moderately priced and there were many choices.

The salad bag is quite large. There were lots of plant milks (vegetal in local parlance).

At-home coffee is a grim wasteland here. Our apartment does have a moka pot and we looked for a way to fill it. The coffee was extremely cheap. I'm sure it will be very... bracing.

Bread departments here will have you cursing the American food system. Everything is cheap, crusty, and tasty. Shop early, shop often, because if you leave the bread more than a day it also becomes as hard as rock.
We're planning to make most of our meals in the apartment for this part of the trip. This first grocery installment will take care of a couple meals, and we will supplement with market stops each day or two. We travel by train until the final plane home, so extra food can journey on with us.
It was a delicious gnocchi dinner.