Ready To Vote?

Ready To Vote?
The last time I worked the polls, it was full pandemic era.

I just completed the local voter training so I can work at the polls this election year. I worked on election day in Nashville in 2020 and went through online training in preparation for that, too.

The differences I noticed between the two experiences:

*Everything here is done in bipartisan teams; opening, closing, anything unusual with any ballots. I had to put my party affiliation in applying for the job and will be placed accordingly. I have no clue how it works if they do not have enough people from each party.

*Much more time spent on potential accommodations for folks due to language or disability.

A small sampling of the languages that translators will be available for on election days. You do a video or phone call to reach them.
Making sure all folks who want to vote can legally vote.

The training was well done. As is the case around the country, these election officials work hard to make the process easy to understand, legal, and fair. They want people to vote, and they want the votes to count.