Chatting With Strangers

Chatting With Strangers
Magical, marvelous humans.

Yessa and Buds both have colds and I stopped at the drugstore for supplies yesterday. The cashier noticed my purse and commented that she had recently purchased a baggallini for upcoming travel.

Today, after Monkey's obvious sorrow that Buster and Yessa got chocolate for Valentine's Day and she got a candle instead, I stopped in to get some post-Valentine's Day chocolate for her.

Another blond white woman and I were standing in the Valentine's Day aisle looking at the 50% off signs and options that remained. She picked up a large chocolate heart of assorted chocolates, read the back and put it back. I picked up a different one, read the back and put it back.

"It's so hard to pick," I said.
"Yes. I was hoping my husband would get me chocolates yesterday, but he didn't, so..." she replied. "The kids got chocolates, but I didn't."
I picked up the box she had looked at and put back.
"This one looks good," I said. "It's tough to pick for someone else."
"Yes, maybe it's better I'm picking out my own."
"That's a good one," she pointed at the box I was holding. "Lots of choices."
"I'm getting it for my daughter who didn't get chocolates yesterday."
"See!" she said.
She picked up a box of the same one I was still holding that she had looked at earlier.
"This is a good one. I think I'll get it, too."
"Happy Valentine's Day." we both said as I left to walk toward the register and she turned back toward the candy.

At the register, same cashier as yesterday.
"What's your favorite color?" she asked me with a completely deadpan expression.
"Purple," I laughed as I looked down at my purple puffy coat, purple purse, touched the purple stocking hat on my head, and smiled under my purple mask.
She smiled and learned forward across the counter to put a finger on my purse.
"I just got a baggallini for a trip. I've been eyeing them for a long time."

We chatted a bit more about the difference in style between mine and the one she chose, then we waved good bye.

If I go back tomorrow, maybe I can learn where her trip is going to take her.

Humans. In groups we can be difficult, but one-on-one there's always something fascinating to learn.

Here's a video that shows my purple baggallini. This is actually an excuse to hear this sweet baby kiddo voice I love so much and to see all these faces I adore.