Happy 30th To Us

Happy 30th To Us

Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of that glorious outing to Casa Loma Ballroom in St. Louis, Missouri where I first laid eyes on him. We had a splendid afternoon and evening with the three children to celebrate and it was perfect.

Yessa made a vanilla raspberry cake.

We dined on rice bowls and fettuccine Alfredo, then cake.

Creating words with the tiny pips is not an easy task. Thanks, Yessa. 😍

We all watched Glass Onion while Monkey and I worked on a puzzle.

Such a fun romp of a movie.
A Yessa birthday present from her grandparents.

Buds and I were walking the dog when we realized it was close to the exact time we met 3 decades ago.

The big celebration is the trip to Spain in May, but last night was exactly the cup-filler I needed.

Still dancing with joy...