An Early Christmas Adventure

An Early Christmas Adventure
Saying good bye until next time.

Buds' Nashville brother and family made their way north so Buds and I drove over to his parents' house on Saturday to get as much time as we could with family. Our kids were still finishing the semester so it was a couple's trip for us.

Up and out early.

We took the leisurely route, knowing we were stopping for lunch and at the Vermont Country Store before driving to Mary and John's house.

Buds chose a tiny, delicious little dinner in Londonderry, VT.

We were laughing and chatting and getting really hungry. Since we were seated at the bar, we could watch the cook, and I realized the food was taking awhile because he was cooking one ticket at a time. Luckily there were only 2 tables ahead of us, and the food was worth the wait.

A little time at the Vermont Country Store, then on to Buddie's parents' home.

Opening the annual gift of family photos from Buddie's parents.

There was snow so time for sledding, puzzles, laughter, and togetherness.

Snow wrestling!
Watching two other cousins perform via YouTube.
A few last snuggles before getting on the road. 🥰🥰
Headed home through the rain and flooding.

It was a really lovely weekend and a great beginning to the holiday season.

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