Switching Things Up

Switching Things Up

Paula and Kel have a beautiful family room space that works well for small group conversations, watching TV together, big group conversations, quiet alone time...it's a soothing, cozy, comfortable environment, and I've been trying to figure out how we bring that feeling to our house.

Group gathering from a recent trip to visit.

Yessa and I talked through ideas, and agreed that swapping the living room and the dining room was our best option. (Greatly influenced by using the room that has a window seat as the family room, in imitation of Kel and Paula's window seat.)

Buds is always a good sport about these crazy ideas we get, and despite us springing the idea of TODAY being the day we made the swap, he agreed and willingly helped pull it all together.

Living room before.
The other angle of the living room, looking toward the dining room.
Dining room before.
Dining room looking down toward the living room.
Let the furniture moving begin.
The piano moved where the TV had been.
The new space taking shape.
Getting closer.
Still a few things to move, but definitely getting there. Notice the yarn hanging from the ceiling. I'll explain that later.
Buster came in for the sorting and organizing under the TV.
Getting a feel for the room.
The new dining room space with the piano in a nook.
Looking in from the dining room.
We had yarn hanging from the ceiling to envision new lights to replace the chandelier that had gone bad. Buster removed the painter's tape that was holding up the yarn.
Monkey's work space before.
Her work space is still in the same spot, but organized and less crowded in now.
Working on a few ideas together.
Reading homework in the new cozy spot.
We're all loving it.

I say we're all loving it, but Monkey still needs to decide if she feels too closed off if the family room doors are closed. We also need a rug in the dining room to keep it from feeling so echoey, and more lights in all the spaces.

We're not really sure what Mocha thinks. She prefers being able to see all her people as much as possible, and this new layout seriously hinders her ability to see easily. Overall, though, this is a big win.

More updates once the window seats cushions arrive and the new lights are installed. A good day's work.