Lisbon Day 2 , Part 1- Europe 2023

A good night of sleep for everyone led to a full, busy day. It’s a good thing we were well rested because we kicked it into high tourist season today.
Buds and Z went out to a cafe for coffee (I slept in until 10 after waking at 4.), then everyone went out to see the park Noa discovered yesterday.

After time together at the park, our groups split up. The pair went off exploring including riding the #28 tram (That’s a big deal here.), while our group of three went to have dinner with friends of Nashville friends who moved here permanently about 19 months ago.
The lunch at Boa Bao was fantastic for many reasons. D and M were generous with their ideas about what to see here in Lisbon, and honest and open about the process of moving here and the life they are living. The food was also delicious, and then came the next awesome part. They showed us some great hidden spots.
We walked to a favorite square of theirs, by a convent that was destroyed in the great earthquake of 1755. From there they took us to the back entrance to the famous Lisbon elevator: The Santa Justa Lift. Tourists stand in line a long time to ride the lift because it brings you up to great views of Lisbon, and I had read there was a way to bypass the line, but how much better to have a new friend show you the way.

After our mini-tour with M&D, we headed back to the apartment, dropped off Yessa, and then Buds and I went out to buy a new wallet he had seen at…and I’m not making this up…The Amazing Store.
I had planned to post a picture of the wallet here in this post, but I wanted to take the picture at night, in our bedroom, and he said the light wasn’t right for a good shot, so we’d have to wait. 🤣🤣🤣
I suspect the wallet will get its own post and set of glamour shots at a later date. Bet you can’t wait.
Speaking of waiting, I’m so appreciative of those of you who have told me you like the frequent, up-to-date posts. That is strong incentive for me to keep that up. But it’s nearly midnight, I’ve walked over 20,000 steps today, and we’ve got a boat tour tomorrow morning. I’ll have to make this post part #1 and post about the afternoon which included a walking tour all over the old part of the city and an extensive history lesson, a delightful tapas dinner, and our first gelato of this trip.

More tomorrow. Sleep well, my loves.