Monkey's Moved Home!

Monkey's Moved Home!

Thanks to lots of assignments and a roommate who popped a positive covid test, Monkey decided moving home a week early, where she could have extra support and lower stress, was the best way to end the semester.

Yessa, Buds, and I drove over to the dorm after Yessa had her second driving lesson with Coach Moody.

Exploring the travel items at the AAA office while we wait for Coach.

The move home took two trips as Monkey has steadily added furniture and items over the semester.

Load #1

Buds and Yessa drove a load home while Monkey and I cleaned and packed the last of the items.

Be grateful we aren’t sharing the “before” photo.

Her items have spilled over from her room, taking over much of the upstairs hallway, but what a joy to have her home.

Together again.