WOD #4: Let's Wrap This Up...Pictures and Video and Final Tallies

WOD #4: Let's Wrap This Up...Pictures and Video and Final Tallies

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This one was right in Buddie’s wheelhouse. Rowing and thrusters…what’s not to love.

The 95# weight is light for him, as long as the knee holds up.

Pre-WOD discussion. Crowd of cheering fans gathering in the background.

Getting rolling.

Hand up for calories counting down. Notice the adoring gremlin in the background.

Thruster up!

Round and round the rounds went. Four times rowing, four times thrustering.

When all was said and done, he finished in 9:24, well below the 15:00 minute time cap.

It was a great way to finish this year.

His final standings:

To advance to the semifinals he’d need to finish in the top 30 in the world.

He finished 352nd in the world this year.

He’ll need to be in the top 80 for each of the 4 WODs next year to be in the top 30.

A whole year to train and plan and dream. And a damn good time for all of us watching.

It’s good to have a community.