WOD 3: Complete Pictures and Video

WOD 3: Complete Pictures and Video

Watch at website for videos.

Fresh shirt, a little liquid, a little nutrition, some stretches, and they are ready for the second workout of the day.

This one as a long one; up to 30 minutes, and it has a slow beginning with those shuttle runs.

Coach Tyler did a fantastic kindness and ran the whole WOD so Buds could time out different strategies he had in mind for how to work the WOD.

With that extra knowledge, they were ready to begin.

As you’ll see from the full video, thanks to Tyler’s testing, Buds walked the shuttle section because the time difference wasn’t huge between walking and running, it saved his knee from more potential tweaking, and it allowed him to save energy for the rope climbs.

Up that rope!

Buds dug deep for these bench presses. He hasn’t done a lot of bench pressing, and the weight is close to body weight for him. Tyler and I were pushing as much energy at him as we could, the crowd was cheering, and he gave his all.

A little water break.

Time elapsed, one final pictures of some of the good folks who came to cheer.

Melissa went a few minutes ahead of Buds to stagger when they got to the rope climb. Buddie starts at 5 minutes in.

Then home for a well-earned rest. He was spent!

One more WOD to go on Sunday.