WOD #1: Complete Photos and Video

WOD #1: Complete Photos and Video

Note: Contains video. Watch at the website.

He did great, although he immediately started thinking of ways he could do better.

The WOD was:

50# dumbbells! 😳

This one had a 20 minute time cap.

He ended up with 100 reps. The final series of walking lunges with 100# held over his head ended up being a bit too spicy, although he thinks the breaking point might have been between his ears rather than in his shoulders.

Getting nervous before things kick off.

Talking standards and strategy with Coach.

Warming Up.

Let the fun begin.

Toes 2 Bar

This is getting spicier.

Chest 2 Bar

Important note: Buds injured his right knee 6 days before doing this WOD. Then he was out of town for 5 days, traveling, eating out, having a drink or 5 with his co-workers.

The performance he put in was amazing.

The full workout: