Beat that guy

Beat that guy

We’re in week two of the CrossFit open. This week we’re had two workouts. The first was a 15 minute grinder of burpee pull ups and shuttle runs. The second come right after the first and give you 5 more minutes to get a max thruster.

A thruster means you take a barbell from the ground through a full squat then into an uninterrupted press overhead. These are my very favorite things. Not the runs and burpees, but the squatty pressy things.

I went with Ginnie this morning and tested out the workout. Tonight we have Friday night lights where we all get together and do the workout in heats.

Friday night lights

So it went pretty good. I got 247# on the thruster which is enough to be tied for fifth in the world out of over 2,200 men age 50-54.