A Moment In Time

A Moment In Time

Coach Kaley, the main coach we work with at our box, is wonderful about taking photos and making people feel welcome and valued, which I so appreciate.

Buds and I were the only ones there for the 7:15 a.m. class since most people, including Buds, will be doing the Open WOD tonight in heats with everyone cheering for them. Buds wanted a chance to test out the workout and I was grateful for his company so I wasn’t working out alone. I’ll do a write-up after tonight’s workout about how Buds did, but Kaley posted the picture below on Instagram, and it made my heart happy and achy so I wanted to share it.

For context, the WOD has burpees in it, so we aren’t actually laying on the floor; she managed to catch a moment in time where we were briefly touching the floor at the same time.

Her wording touched me. I am so glad to have him by my side.