K, P, K, B Get A Call To The White House

K, P, K, B Get A Call To The White House

Paula graciously agreed that I could repost her Facebook post about their family’s grand adventure going to the White House. The following story and the pictures are all from Paula.

Thank you, PJP. 💕💕

“So, we were invited to do something super special…we received an invitation to attend a ceremony at the White House during which President Biden would sign the Respect for Marriage Act into law.

National advocacy organizations had been asked for recommendations of people who had done advocacy work, and our friends Laura McGinnis (currently at PFLAG National) and her wife Dyana Mason (former ED of Equality Virginia, now at the University of Oregon) thought of Kelly and me and included us on their list.

The invitation included a request for a bio of our family which we submitted. The next day we were invited to participate in a “special portion of the event” that would entail “participating in a more public way…” We subsequently learned that we had been selected as one of 120 individuals and families to stand behind the President as he signed the RMA.

It was an amazing day during which we held up in the Indian Treaty Room in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, walked over to the White House (twice; once to practice and then for the real program) and through it to the East Room where we watched the program (which included Sam Smith, Cindy Lauper, Sen. Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi) as we waited to walk through the Green Room (the other half of our group proceeded through the Red Room) and down to our spot on the South Portico stairs. We stood there on the stairs while Vice President Harris spoke, and then while President Biden spoke, and then while he signed the bill. Afterward, we waited in a line to greet Dr. Biden, President Biden, Mr. Emhoff and then Vice President Harris (we had lovely conversations with both the President and Vice President). They were all just as nice and interested in chatting as you’d expect. Both Pres. Biden and VP Harris had words of advice and encouragement for our girls.

We were honored to be invited to witness the signing of this very important bill. The RMA provides much needed protection for our family but it also affirms our commitment to each other and respects us as full citizens. It is the first legislation in history that acknowledges, supports and defends the LGBTQIA+ community. The work to continue to strengthen our position continues even as some politicians continue to attack us (especially transgender children (shame on them!)), but Tuesday, December 13th was a GOOD DAY!

We are grateful to PFLAG National for all of their advocacy on behalf of our family and our larger community that is still waiting to realize the promise of Liberty and Justice for All.

The Invitation

Leaving the house.

We’re in the White House!


Waiting outside the entrance to the West Wing for the first walk through.

Presidents Carter and Lincoln. Pres. Obama’s portrait is stunning (we didn’t have our phones or other personal items when we came back to the White House for the ceremony) and hangs in the grand entrance on the wall on the other side of this Lincoln portrait.

The Blue Room

Nativity Scene in the East Room.

The Green Room through which we walked to exit onto the South Portico then to the stairs.

Through the Green Room door to the South Portico.

Practicing standing on stairs.

Practice run. For the actual ceremony, the chairs were filled with legislators and other VIPs. The lawn was taken over by 5,000 activists.

Waiting in the East Room with George.

The official White House photo of the signing.

The program ended a dusk, just in time to highlight the rainbow up-lights on the exterior of the south side of the White House. It was VERY moving to see.

The EEOB as we were leaving after a long and amazing day.

Thank you, Paula, for doing such an amazing job recording the beauty and importance of the day.