Toilet Saga Finally Flushed With Success!

Toilet Saga Finally Flushed With Success!

This house had a fancy “hands-free” toilet flusher in the upstairs bathroom. You’d wave your hand over the top and it would flush.

Interesting and novel until it stops working. The batteries ran out a couple times, which was an easy fix, but then it started making an unholy ratcheting sound when it needed to flush.

This happened while I was in Nashville and it took me awhile after I got home to figure out how to fix the issue, rather, how to resolve the issue. The family got used to the lid of the toilet tank being off and pulling up the plunger to flush it by hand.

I finally learned Kohler would send us a new toilet tank for free since they had stopped making the hands-free type. Woohoo!

Buds and I worked to fix it right before Uncle Z and nephew arrived for their visit.

The first attempt to seat the new tank ended up with lots of leaking.

The second time I heard a “crack” and then a curse word from my toilet-fixing partner laying on the floor on the opposite side of the toilet from me.

Turns out being strong can be a detriment with porcelain.

Okay, so, while Z and nephew were here, we only used one toilet.

Babs came for a visit right after and we learned “bucket-flushing” because I was not going clear down from the attic to the first floor in the middle of the night.

Meanwhile, I had ordered our new, beautiful, one piece, well -reviewed toilet. It was delivered with a crack.

Next toilet ordered and inspected, no cracks!

New toilet installed today, and I hope we all hang on to this feeling of gratitude for having a home with two toilets.
