Happy Early Morning Halloween!

Happy Early Morning Halloween!

We were instructed to wear a Halloween costume to CrossFit today and the 6 a.m. crowd shows up strong. Coach Kaley had extra costumes for people who didn’t have one. Another CrossFitter had created a “Guess Who” game board for six people to be part of. We also had a cow, a teenage mutant ninja turtle, Space Jam bunnies, and an ’80s aerobics instructor.

Buds was an Olympic biker, singlet and all.

I was… Sunday Morning Buddie.

Coffee mug, air packs under the robe for muscles, and one of the Buddie faces from his birthday surprise years ago. I would walk up to shake hands with people and say in a deep voice, “Hi. I’m Buds. I like to lift heavy things.”

It wasn’t until I saw the pictures that I realized it really was a little terrifying.

I’m the one on the right.

Halloween is off to a great start.