Aging As A CrossFitter

Aging As A CrossFitter

It’s a new era for us as CrossFitters. We’ve been to this new box 3 times and we’ve been the oldest people there by at least 15 years except for one time where there was a 56 y.o. female working out with us.

Buddie can still lift with the youngsters and we’re rebuilding our engines so we won’t get knocked down at every partner workout. We were second out of three teams today, and that felt fine.

This was the workout:

We biked there so the quads were already getting warmed up.

It feels good to be back in the group setting and getting stronger as we head into middle age feels powerful.

I still feel 23 inside. Strange how that works.

I’m beginning to suspect the other CrossFitters don’t think I’m 23. 🤔