Heading Home

Heading Home

After two weeks of working, planning, and seeing loved ones in Nashville, I’m headed home.

I had a great time seeing lots of folks, including a church Sunday filled with gasps of surprise and hugs and love.

Housed by T & J, Z & A, and Fi, I was comfortable and happy the whole time, but I’m oh so glad to be heading home.

Dinner with T.
The gorgeous birthday mug she surprised me with. 😍😍
Time with this guy is always healing.
If the teen asks if you want to go bowling, you lace up those ugly shoes!
So glad we got to have dinner and catch up.
It was a glorious morning for a walk.
Catching up with Lou and…
Oz and…
Dixie and Duke were happy to keep me company. 💖 But only if T & J weren’t home. 😁

Teresa set me up with the t-shirts I needed for my niece’s two volleyball games.

In case you can’t tell, I love being an aunt.

It was great to watch the niece play.
I timed staying with Fi perfectly because Imani was home from college for the weekend! 🥰🥰

And now I’m at the airport in preparation for my very early morning flight. The security check point opens at 3:30 a.m. and the baker’s dozen of us scattered around the ticket gates will wander our way through.

I’m flying through Charlotte and will get into Rochester around 11 a.m. where I will promptly fall into my very own comfy bed after hugging my people.

It’s been a fantastic trip and I’ll be grateful to be home.