She Found Me Out

She Found Me Out

I love staying at Teresa and Jeremy’s house. Quiet, comfortable, cozy, dogs, what more could I ask for?

I’ve tried to think of ways to thank them, and I’ll do the typical, but Teresa has a quick wit, and I was tickled to think of an idea that she might not find quickly, but would bring her a laugh when she finally did.

They’ve got a beautiful display with each of their parent’s wedding photos, plus pictures of nieces and nephews, the dogs…seemed like someone’s wedding photo was missing, wouldn’t you agree?

Thanks to easy printing at Walgreens and trips to 2 stores to find a frame that would camouflage itself sufficiently amidst all the other frames, I was ready. I had to wait for a time when I was home alone, and my chance came earlier this week when they were both out of the house for work and appointments.



Several days had passed, and I began to hope my secret would be safe for a couple weeks, then this morning T said to me, “I noticed the extra wedding picture.” and we both laughed. Apparently I picked a photo frame that matched the frames they had used at their wedding. I was exceedingly proud of this since she has stellar taste and I plod along trying to make colors match.

The picture’s still there so at least they won’t hide it until I’m gone.

It’s been a minute since that was taken. But not as long as George and Kathy’s wedding photo.

Love and laughter. That’s the best it gets.