Oh Canada...

Oh Canada...

With the easing of requirements to travel between countries, Yessa and I decided to take an international driving trip and check out the IKEA that’s only 2 hours 18 minutes away from us.

We left around 9 a.m., excited to see a new country and to pick up necessary items from IKEA.

We missed an exit off the interstate which led to an extra hour on the trip there, but customs was quick and we got to IKEA a little after noon, ready to set the wheels in motion.

The line wasn’t very long through customs.
We’re here and we’ve got a plan!

We ended up making three trips in and out of the store. We’ve gotten to be pros about planning for packing the car, taking a break to regroup if we need to, and adjusting our preferences based on what’s available or not.

Testing out all the chairs.

It was a fun trip and we accomplished a great deal. I was so grateful to have Yessa along for her company and design sense.

And we only had to pack the van once!

IKEA took seven hours out of our day and when Yessa found a well-reviewed sushi place 5 minutes from IKEA, we knew we’d found the perfect end to the day.

Imani taught me that sweet potato sushi is the best. 💖💖

The drive home was fast with no traffic and no missed exits. We pulled into the driveway at 10:40 p.m., grateful to be home.

We might even go back next week. It was a great trip and we’ve got so much of the area to explore.