Community Rides

Community Rides

Every Wednesday there are group rides around the city and tonight Yessa, Buds, and I tried out our first one.

Yessa deserves all the credit for getting us to go. It’s been a busy day and Buds and I would have bailed if not for Yessa.

This week we rode in several parts of town we’d never been to, and parts we know very well.

There were between 25-30 folks on the ride and they were so friendly and fun. It was a glorious mix of folks of all ages, shades, shapes, and personalities.

Of course I was visiting with someone.

The ride is sponsored by the Department of Recreation and Human Services, but the spirit behind them is driven by Reconnect Rochester which is a biking group Buds has been following since before we moved here. Having humans dedicated to making/developing the biking culture in the city is critical.

It was such fun on the warm August evening.

So warm that when we got home, Buds enjoyed a Ruby Red Kolsch and I sipped a Radler.

Says right on the can it’s a biking recovery drink.

Totally legit.