Europe Trip #2 - July 13, 2022 - Nearly There

Europe Trip #2 - July 13, 2022 - Nearly There

Yesterday’s flight from Munich was without incident, although it was very long. We missed the strong thunderstorms that battered D.C., and our gratitude for Paula, Kelly, and Betty picking us up at the airport is without limits. To step off the plane exhausted, headachy, and sore to have loving faces waiting to spirit us away…that’s family.

We slept well and Kel kindly got up early to drive us back to the airport.

It’s a gorgeous day. We were through security in 7 minutes and headed to our gate.

The United app told me we were at gate A4F, but our flight was not on the departures board in the main terminal. There was 5:11 p.m., but our flight was to leave at 8:30 a.m.

Going on faith alone, we made our way to the “A” gates. Once we got to the A Terminal, our flight was on the board. I guess since we’re on a regional carrier it didn’t rate showing up on the big board.

We had time to grab a cheese burger and tater tots for breakfast before boarding our 2×2 plane.

So ready to be home.