Europe Trip #2 - June 27, 2022 - A Delightful Stroll To Bonassola

Europe Trip #2 - June 27, 2022 - A Delightful Stroll To Bonassola

Some of the families were headed to Cinque Terre to explore. Our kids were having a day at home for assorted reasons. Buds and I weren’t interested in Cinque Terre and we definitely wanted to do some exploring so we scooped up one of our nephews and headed off.

We hoped to find and were not disappointed.

We tromped down to Levanto and headed up the sunny strand to find the entrance to a disused train tunnel that was beautifully cool, paved, and flat. This led up the coast to the northwest eventually leading to the town of Bonassola.

Every so often the tunnel would open up to a little rocky beach with a dozen or so Italians taking in the sun.

On the far side, we found a quiet flowery piazza and hoovered up a few foccacia pizzas. The local foccacia for which Liguria is famous is low, airy, and slightly crisp. Our Rochester Public Market foccacias are thick, chewy, and salty. There’s no winner and no loser in this game of simple breads.

We then introduced our beloved nephew to a granite (In Sicily these are, and are delicious). Thank goodness we had been chatting with him about the travel struggles and stressers making the glorious successes even better because these granites were not what we had been describing to him. These were cloyingly sweet, gaggingly awful. Cold and wet were their only positives.

A long walk back through the tunnels, with the hope of a better granite on the other side at a place we had sampled yesterday.

Selfie with tunnel

Then we were in Levanto for a redemption granite. 

A drinkable peach


After we refreshed ourselves with the icy deliciousness, a grocery store run to gather some additional resources for a couple families, then we headed back home.

I took a taxi to haul the groceries and the gents decided to walk back up the hill.

After we checked on the kids, Buds and I headed up to the pool for an afternoon dip.

Tonight we relax and visit and read.

It’s good to be together.