Gem-Fest T-Shirt History

Edits welcome if there are shirts I have forgotten.
It is about time for me to do a great clothing clean out, which made me realize I wanted to remember all the Gem-Fest clothing from over the years.
One year before there was a themed Gem-Fest shirt, our whole family chose to get Muppet t-shirts since Buds and I already had them from the Juice off-site for that year.
Gem-Fest 2015

2017 was the beginning of the matching shirts. One of the sisters-in-law is a graphic designer, and the years she creates the design always has a grouping of 5, I assume for each of the family groups. I love that.

2018 a hat was chosen, which is not a good option for our big-brained Buster.

2019 we were back to shirts.

2020 we waited out the pandemic.
2021 back to it!

2022 we all went to Italy! The plan was to do a t-shirt post-Gem-Fest, but time got away from us.

2023 we headed to Orlando, with mixed feelings. Monkey boycotted out of support for her many LGBTQIA+ loved ones, and the rest of us weren't too sure we were making the right decision, but we did have a good time.

Which brings us to this year, 2024.

I was with Babs in Iowa, so not in the photo this year.

I would be remiss in not including one of our very first attempts at a family photo. This was way back when we were still meeting in the winter. I loved the idea of a matching group photo, and requested everyone bring a white shirt.
Do we look like a cult?
Are all the wee ones impossibly cute all those years ago?