Europe Trip #2 - June 25, 2022 - Agritourismo Villanova

Europe Trip #2 - June 25, 2022 - Agritourismo Villanova

This gorgeous space we get to call home for a week does not disappoint.

Our apartment is in the building with the chapel. It is called “Canonica.”

One family is upstairs in Zelinda, two in La Villa, and one way, way up the hill in Il Rustico. As you see on the map, they do have two actual stop lights to make sure people don’t bump into each other on the driveways. That’s a far cry from other places we’ve stayed where you honk the horn and drive like crazy to get up the hill before anyone coming down.

Our front door. We’re right by the patio where we have breakfast.
Pool towel table, just inside the front door.
Long view from the front door. The daybed is where Buster sleeps.
Dining room. Door on the right is a tiny powder room.
Stairs to the second floor bedrooms.
Tiny, totally functional kitchen.
Stove and patio door.
Monkey’s space.
Our bed with Yessa on the mattress on the floor.
Not large, but beautiful.
A great shower!

The agro gave us great information to help us settle in quickly.

Levanto with all we need.

This is going to be a splendid place to spend a week.