Traveling While Vegan

I’m not actually “vegan,” but the way I eat is very close to it, so it’s the quick and easy explanation. It’s similar to telling a Texan you live in D.C. when you actually live in Reston.

I didn’t know how this trip would go, eating this way, but with a long flight and one city under my belt, I now know it will be okay.

The German flight attendant brought my “vē-jan” meals on our long Lufthansa flight with no problem. I’ve enjoyed and appreciated the vegetables available everywhere we’ve gone, and this morning when Buds and I went out for breakfast, I was reminded how little I desire options for food.

I couldn’t tell what the all German menu said. Our waitress reassured me in perfect English, “I can help. For example, this is a vegan option,” and she started to tell me what was on the hummus bagel and I said, “Say no more. That’s what I want.”

I like fewer choices.

A lot.

At lunch today, there was one suggestion for an easy veggie meal. I wasn’t really even sure what I was getting, but it turned out to be boiled potatoes, which were perfect, and white asparagus! I had seen the white asparagus at the public market here and I was thrilled to get to try it. It was ideal for me all around.

I’m looking forward to what lies ahead, may it be potatoes or asparagus or mushrooms, all will be well.