Daily Memories

I’ve been reading over old blog posts and realizing again how many memories would be lost without this blog.

Buster’s summation of life for Yessa.

Yessa helping me dressa.

Monkey finds joy.

That realization is cause for this post.

It wasn’t an unusual night. It was a regular, old, splendid, laughter-filled night, and I want to remember it for always.

Monkey, Buds, and I made dinner; scalloped potatoes, chicken tenders, Hawaiian rolls, and vegan macaroni and cheese with spinach. Buds had enjoyed a smooth glass of red wine with a splash of port before we sat down at the dining room table. That is important because it loosened his tongue later. 😁

We ate and laughed and talked of ideas and plans and the family covenant.

We reminisced about the similarity in appearance between Buster and me, especially back when our hair was the same length.

Buds made a comment that had the rest of us rolling with laughter even as we rolled our eyes and admonished him to never say such a thing ever again.

Then I told a story about an inappropriate comment a member of the extended family had once made and Buster was laughing so hard he had to leave the table to be able to breath.

I’m sorry I won’t write the comments here, but hopefully this post will carry enough memory jog to remind the five of us what the comments were.

After dinner and clean up we played Mario Cart and Super Smash and enjoyed just being together.

As I said at the beginning, nothing extraordinary, yet it’s everything.