First Time Stuck 😏

First Time Stuck 😏

The Honda Fit is at the mechanic getting its New York state inspection. We dropped it off before the storm intentionally, but they aren’t keeping it to raise from a pup so we need to pick it up tomorrow.

We thought today would be spent scooping out the driveway, but we awoke to find someone had plowed a path straight down from the street. That left us to scoop out the garage, but it was a huge gift.

Buds and I worked awhile this morning. The snow is very soft and fluffy, so easy to move. There’s just a great deal of it.

Buster and Yessa came out to help this afternoon while Monkey had a class, and I backed the van out of the garage to be sure the driveway was “auto-friendly.”

I got stuck at the end of our drive, trying to turn onto Avondale. 🤦😁 Buds came out to be extra muscle, then I drove around a bit while they cleared more of a path at the end.

We’ve adjusted our plan for getting home with the Fit tomorrow because it is likely to get stuck at least once. The main streets are clear, but the side ones are messy.

Luckily the Fit is so little Buds can lift it over the ridges while I steer.

After garaging the van we had some snow play in the sun.

It’s a beautiful day.