New Beginnings

New Beginnings

That’s a wrap, Nashville.

The goal was to head out at 3 a.m. on Thanksgiving morning. We were all up and moving by 2:23 a.m., but we weren’t loaded into the cars, ready to drive until 4:30 and it was for the best of reasons.

Just as we were getting ready to walk out the door, Buster said, “Could I walk around upstairs one last time?”

It was such the perfect idea we all wanted to do it.

One last look around in the home that held our laughter and visits and friends and memories of the last 8 years. And realizing we had left one vital piece of tech equipment up there. Phew.

Then, a few final pictures and off we went.

Our last shots in the basement.

Mocha got in one full lip kiss on Buds as we took this picture.

All loaded in the overflowing vehicles.

We had rain most of the drive, but everyone was in good spirits. Buds and I switched up vehicles and stopped whenever we needed to. The pets all did fine, although it turns out MoonStar can complain for 5 hours straight. The sedatives the vet prescribed were only mildly effective.

Traffic was easy and the the only wrinkle was when I realized I couldn’t remember where I had packed Mocha’s food. She’s not one to complain, but the little bit of reproach in her eyes had me asking the people at the rest stop next to us if we could have some of their dog’s food.

They were glad to oblige and Mocha was grateful.

7:07 p.m. East Coast time had us walking up to the front door of our new home, having easily found the key the realtor hid for us in the garage.

We’re still living out of backpacks on air mattresses for another week or so, but we all love the new house and the neighborhood.

All is well.