August Is Nearly Over

August Is Nearly Over

I’m proud of generally having posts every month since the beginning of this blog over a decade ago.

Hence the need for a post today. 😏

I have not written in 6 weeks, not for a lack of news, but for a lack of energy to focus on commemorating memories when so many memories were being made.

For today I’m going to write a nonsense post of goofiness while I work my way through how to get back to solid ground on my desire to write posts.

So, some silliness.

One of our hoses out in the yard took on the hedge clippers and in a shock to no one, came out as our new sprinkler hose.

We ordered a new hose and were a bit shocked at what arrived.

To be fair, we aren’t big shoppers and we have been pretty dedicated to staying out of stores for the last year and a half, but is this really what gardening has come to?

Bags for dogs, now bags for hoses?

AND, it’s an Italian bag!

The hose looks standard.

In fact, I’d probably be more excited about the bag than the hose, except Jenny brought me a new bag from Hungary, so now this Italian bag is nothing to me.

Anything that reminds me of Jenny is going to beat out an Italian hose bag any day.

“Hose bag” made me laugh.

I told you it would be a post of silliness.

See you in September.