Glorious Beginnings Gem-Fest 2021

Glorious Beginnings Gem-Fest 2021

We headed out on Friday morning for our long drive to Virginia for a visit with K,P,K,B, and to get Mocha settled with her “foster family” for the next week.

Packed and ready.

The dogs and the humans were very happy to be together again.

Buds and Paula found a computer/tech project to work on together.

Buds was very excited to go to the Micro Center by Kel and Paula’s house. The tech world had told him it was heaven and he mostly agreed.

Takes all kinds. 😉

Lots of walks and shows/movies and visiting.

We also got our first views of cicada carcasses. So many holes in the ground and carcasses.

We weren’t expecting to do much other than hang out, but fate intervened and Jenny and Lucca happened to have free time and be in our area, so we got a bonus visit with more loved ones!

Then early Sunday morning we repacked everything into the van, minus one beloved pupper, and headed further north where Buddie’s family awaited for the beginning of Gem-Fest.

More adventures to come.