Spring Break 2021 Virginia Visit

Spring Break 2021 Virginia Visit

Note: Post contains video. Watch at the website to get the full feels.

Welp, here we are again. Yessa, Mocha, and I spent Spring Break in Virginia with our crew up there…in late March…and it’s almost May.

So my memories won’t be perfect, but the feelings about those memories are solid. We had a great time, much laughter, many games, and more stories to add to the lifetime of connections.

Headed out bright and early.

Mocha needs the love.

We watched church on the big screen.

All the snuggles.

This will always be funny.

In a rather unfortunate turn of events, Buds had another potential tragedy to deal with while I was away. (When we were in Virginia earlier in the year, Nashville got record cold and ice and snow.)

This time, he was dealing with potentially serious and stressful flooding.

This is normally not a lagoon.

We were frequently in contact, and he handled it all with his basic optimism and balance, but we all breathed a huge sigh of relief when the Harpeth River crested several feet below the expected height.

Our neighbors across the road flooded from the river, and our neighbor next door flooded from ground water, but our basement stayed dry, and we were grateful.

Mocha feels so loved here.

Still funny.

With Covid still in play, it was a relaxed Spring Break. The moms had a lunch out on a beautiful patio, which was great. And a trip to the place where plants grow.

We had snuggles and lots of time with people we love and trust.

Yessa and I had never been to H-Mart, an international grocery store by Kel and Paula, and we loved it! Can’t wait to take Buds there on some future trip.

Just a bin of frozen fish balls and bits.

I have a niece with this nickname.

There was watching of “Gray’s Anatomy,” and games, and talks and many, many walks.

There was also coffee.

Yessa’s paintings from last visit were displayed on one of the mantels.

There’s always sushi:

Kel and Paula got a new mattress, so we hauled the old one down to be hauled off, and for a few hours the dogs were in heaven.

Bets taught Yessa and me basketball insights:

A little volleyball practice with Katoots:

The dogs would wrestle until exhausted and then find various places to sleep.

Another issue that Buds had to deal with at home was getting bitten by the neighbor’s dog while he was out on a run. He was fine, and sent me pictures so I could determine for myself if he was going to live.

I got in touch with the dog owners, and upon learning about his mother’s death in January 2020, had to feel sorrow for him, too.

This lead to Paula videotaping a hilarious exchange with the girls watching me cry and bringing me back to balance as we offer Buds up as a doggie sacrifice.

Paula also picked up Easter egg dye so the girls could get some coloring in.

It was a glorious week, over as quickly as always.

Back on the road.

See you again soon, Virginians!

The Full album of photos can be viewed here.