Three Down, One To Go

I posted in November about scaring Buster. It was unexpected hilarity, and I didn’t realize how much fun it could be to to have it happen with all the members of the family.

Yesterday I managed to scare both Buds and Yessa (and Buster again), with hilarious results.

Monkey and I had been out at an appointment and came into the house through the basement. At the top of the stairs, I opened the door to find Buddie’s back facing me. I thought he was teasing me by ignoring me, so I stepped into him to give him a little push.

He looked over his shoulder into my face, screamed, and jumped away holding his heart.

On Buddie’s side of the story (we learned after we stopped crying with laughter) he had opened the basement door, pulled it open as he turned back into the room to make sure Mocha didn’t sneak by him, felt something against his back and turned to find an unexpected monster looking over his shoulder.

Neither of us felt the other person turning the door knob or pulling the door, so we must have had perfect synchronicity as we opened the door.

A one in a million chance.

Later in the afternoon, I was in Buster’s room visiting and helping to work through Legos. Yessa came in to ask Buster a question, and they ended up standing and talking to each other while I remained seated on the floor, sorting.

I came across a small plastic lizard toy. I put it in my palm, held my open hand up between them and simply said, “Skink.”

It was like setting off an explosion. Yessa jumped 5 feet out of the room while Buster’s hands flew up into a defensive pose.

Yessa reacted a lot like Jennifer Aniston in this clip.

Same scream, same body jump.

But Yessa finished it off with laughter.

We were, in fact, all laughing.

The skink fear runs deep, as this post may remind us all.

“Skink, Skink, Severus Skink”

It’s only a matter of time until I inadvertently scare Monkey.

Can’t wait.