Notes and Lists

Notes and Lists

Lists and notes are a big part of life. I jot down ideas for essays and blog posts, remind myself about cards I want to send, bills I need to pay, tasks I need to accomplish.

Last night I wrote myself two notes:

1) Write Becky

2) Photograph Valentine’s Day water bottle

“Write Becky” I understand and handled this afternoon. But “Photograph Valentine’s Day water bottle,” I had no clue.

Asked Buds.

No idea.

Mentioned it to Kelly.

No idea.

Told Yessa, and she said, “It sounds like you wanted to photograph a Valentine’s water bottle?”

And then, I remembered!

Twenty-seven years ago, Buds put a rose in this water bottle as part of our first Valentine’s Day together, and I’ve been moving it around, house to house, state to state ever since.

It may get broken someday so I wanted to be sure to get a picture of it.

Hence the very descriptive note, “Photograph Valentine’s Day water bottle.”

Makes total sense when you know. 😆😆