Working The Polls

Eddie and Buds have already made the obvious jokes, so let’s skip right to the data.

I’ll be working as a poll registrar tomorrow at my very own precinct.

I helped with set up tonight, I’ve done my online training, and Buds helped me pack food for the 14-hour+ day.

I’ve voted, now I’m doing what I can to ensure other people can vote fairly and efficiently, too.

Sixty-one percent of the 2200 voters in the precinct have already voted, which is fantastic. Hopefully the final 800+ will show up tomorrow so the day is full and busy, yet not making people wait too long.

I’m praying that the other precincts around the county are as well-staffed and prepared as we are. And, as always, I’m looking forward to meeting new folks.

If you haven’t voted yet, I hope you have a great experience tomorrow.

More info. to come.