Weekend Update

The New York Times has been doing an “At Home” series to give people ideas for things to do while we care for each other by staying home and wearing masks when we do go out. Recently they talked about the importance of noticing the changes we’ve made or the day-to-day things we do so we’ll remember what this time was really like in years to come.
I love that understanding of the value of journalling or blogging.
We had another delicious weekend.
Buds and I saw our first local armadillo on our morning walk on Friday.
Friday afternoon brought beautiful weather with the open windows and Buddie’s work wrapped up for the day. We all piled on the couch to talk and laugh together. We would have made room for a 5th person, Monkey!
Mocha always wants to be in the fray whenever there’s big emotion going on, so she came running to be part of the laughter, too.
Saturday brought cleaning the garage:
The chickens have been exploring more of the yard, and I was thrilled to see them under the trampoline.
And then later…
Saturday night Buds and another friend and I set up an outdoor movie night for the Children’s Religious Exploration program at our church. We watched the latest Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse.
This is a great example of a gift from the pandemic. We’ve done movie nights at church and home, but an outdoor movie night at church! It was so fun and so easy and such a joy to be together. There’s no reason to not to be doing it, even without a pandemic, weather willing.
Sunday morning’s workout was a doozy. Buddie kept the truth of the length of the workout hidden from me to get more labor out of me. (Don’t like how I tell the story, Buds? Write your own blog post. 😂😘)
Rev. Cynthia’s message led a joyful church service about Rosh Hashanah and the music was a delight.
On Sunday afternoon Buds helped me attach this piece of construction trash that had blown into our yard to the side of Cluckingham Palace to provide some protection from rain for their feeder.
We walked our dog, drank our coffee, and Buds marveled again at the orange wildflowers that have grown from the seeds strewn in the yard.
Texts with all sorts of friends, time with the children (including Monkey from a distance), love, laughter, and gratitude.
As I was texting with you, Kate, the cat decided I was an ottoman.
RBG died and my brother’s in rehab after a bad accident with his horse, and this administration continues to upend social norms and lie and cheat, but I’m going to notice joy where I can; with the people I love.
I hope your day-to-day is bringing you moments of peace and comfort, too.