Home Away From Home Camp - 2020

Home Away From Home Camp - 2020

In our third year of the beloved tradition, we had K & B here for a week of “camp.”

Yessa and I met Kel, Paula, Kate, Bets, Della, and Mikey in Abingdon, VA for lunch and a hand off.

We left home bright and early to meet up around lunchtime.

Della and Mike along for the fun.

Off go the Moms and the puppers.

Headed back to Nash with “The Trips.”

These two love to cook and bake.

Yessa and Kate were willing to get in a few workouts with us.

Bets enjoyed time in the sun on the trampoline.

We headed to see the exhibit at Cheekwood on one of the nights.

Chihuly is one of the magical events you need to see at night to truly appreciate.

It was hot and humid, but we wore our masks without complaint and enjoyed the beauty.

We tried to get in a kayaking adventure on two different nights with Thena, but the weather refused to cooperate, so the girls and I had a hike to a waterfall instead.

We stayed at the overlook because of the crowd of folks at the base of the waterfall not physically distancing, but we enjoyed the time together.

Headed off on a hike to see a Tennessee waterfall.

A picnic lunch before we hiked our way up and out.

This “Home Away From Home” Camp looked different than other years, but what mattered was the time we spent together. As all these children age, I’m so grateful to have the time with them and to building our relationships.

To hear them giggle together makes my heart sing.

On Sunday morning, we packed up all the girls’ supplies, and the items Yessa and I needed for a few days away, and we rolled out in the early morning hours for the drive to Virginia.

Headed off on the 10 hour drive up to Virginia.

Mocha had a slight injury.

Coned until we knew she wouldn’t mess with the injury.

Loving the injured.

Paula’s great about keeping the dogs in line.

A dinner at Mosaic.

A hike at Hemlock.

Paula and Kel had offered to host a party for me, and the party I chose was to have dinner with their family and Yessa and me. We ordered in sushi, then played games. (On this trip we played “Hearts,” and a new favorite board game I’ll talk about in a minute.)

The beginnings of a birthday dinner.

Yessa and Kate suggested a game I had never played before called “Telestrations,” and I have not laughed so hard in a very long time. It’s a combination of “telephone” and “Pictionary.”

I’ll never forget when Kelly couldn’t remember the word “Eskimo,” so I ended up drawing “Igloo man.”

And, of course, my clever guess of “present wand,” which is not a thing, as the guess for Kelly’s beautifully drawn “gift wrap” picture. And then Yessa drew a gorgeous “present wand.”

I know you had to have been there to laugh, but we laughed enough for you.


Another in the many visits with favorites.

Yessa, Mocha, and I drove home on Thursday, glad to be settling back in at home, but missing the extra voices, laughter, and insights of those we love.

Since the days Buds and I were their teachers in RE, we have loved these youngsters. May it ever be so.

2011 when “The Trips” were tots.