We see you

We see you

Mommie2zs has reached 50 trips around the sun today.

Here’s some of the fun and memories as she has poured out her joy and helpfulness on the world.

Young m2z was very red

This pageboy haircut stuck around for a few years

And it would return from time to time.

Here come the glasses

80s hair was very 80s, this was a senior picture

We took a couple couple pictures soon after we met

The wet look, the big blues

Meeting the grandparents

A Vermont peak

Glittery wedding hair

Travel: An early Italy trip

Travel: A walk in San Francisco

Travel: Living that bib life. M2z had a serious infatuation w jumpers that is very European

Fitness: Early m2z fitness involved triathalons. Take a close look at that necklace.

Fitness: Tough triathalons

Fitness: The last 10 years has been Crossfit; this is a first Murph with Yessa keeping score. We did a partial Murph w Yessa participating today.

Fitness: And ringrows

Fitness: And even rope climbs happened

Work: This is a promo-still from the public speaking days. Not very different from today’s rona-hair.

Work: And this promo-still from a Juice headshot. Why Tom Cruise? Why?

Family: We built a house in Iowa. This is the living room atop a windy hill.

Family: There was a Chippie

Family: And then a new red entered our life.

Family: And grew

Family: And sometimes she flew. Note: the jumper.

Family: And a bighead Buster

Family: And the Yessa was helpful too

Family: Sharing locks of love

This leads us to today

…us to today.

…to today.


As we browsed pictures we found that dragonfly necklace (get yours today) in a triathalon shot from 20 years ago. Some things are eternal, or near so; the habits of mind, the letters of care sent, the travel, the fitness, the family, the joy, the love shared.

Happy birthday, you.