Shoebox Video Edit Wrapup: Ready for the Final

Todd and I have reached the end of our video project (for now!). As Todd pointed out:

Seth Godin often argues to “Ship” your creative projects. Don’t worry about getting them perfect, just ship, learn, modify, and keep shipping. 

Here’s the final week featuring Cooking, Color and Speed.

Todd delivered with characteristic sound effects and fun.

What about last week and the week before? You see; I have an affliction that goes all the way back to school. I call it “A at Midterms Syndrome”. It’s when you start out great, then sink as the virtue of your success leads to complacence.  

Last week we took off as Todd was busy on other projects. But the week before, the week after “midterms”, I really struggled creatively. We were working on Text, Shadow, and Blur. I wasn’t too fond of either the results or the time spent working on them and it was a bit of a struggle to share. Nonetheless, here they are. These videos really require a big screen.

Todd, on the other hand, nailed it with music and even an arthouse look.

That’s a wrap, folks. Thanks Todd!

If you want to see the earlier vids, here they are