Happy Mother's Day, Babs!

Happy Mother's Day, Babs!

If you’ve met my mom, you know her to be a kind, non-judgemental, open-hearted soul. She’ll step up when needed, back off when asked, and love you the whole time no matter what.

We sent her a book to fill in about her life and memories and when I talked to her yesterday she said, “There’s a question in there about ‘Tell me what was most irritating about me as a child.’ I couldn’t think of anything for you, so that one will have to be blank.”

I guarantee I was an annoying child. (Ask my brother, George. He can tell you.) It’s just another example of the loving glow Mom brings to everything.

She chose to marry a widower with three sons, allowing me to grow up with three brothers. Though my childhood is filled with memories of all of them and their families, it hasn’t been until adulthood that I more fully understand the gravity and magnitude of that decision. I’m so incredibly grateful she made that choice. I cherish my brothers, and though our family had deep issues, I wouldn’t trade it for another one. Ever.

So, Babs, we’re with you in spirit and wrapping you in yards of love, like a great quilt made by Frosty.

Thanks for being who you are.

I’m not sure why they are all dressed up?
With Grandma Frosty and Mom
At my college roommate’s wedding
At Dickerson Mechanical’s grand opening after the flood.
At a Mother’s Day event at Grandma Frosty’s church. The one with the lesbian prayer.
Four generations. Monkey looks displeased.
Monkey’s birthday at the fair.
Buster in the pouch.
Our wedding.