Mocha Joins The Family...Permanently.

Mocha Joins The Family...Permanently.

We finalized the adoption for Mocha this morning, after a family meeting last night to ensure we are all on the same page and happy with the decision.

She was spayed on Monday, and that went well.

Giving me the cold shoulder on the way to the vet to be spayed.

She was lethargic and obviously in pain when moving around on Monday afternoon. Not being a food motivated dog, she refused medicine. We tried it plain, wrapped in peanut butter, stuck in a cheese stick, and I even tried to massage it down her throat. On Tuesday morning, when she could eat her regular food again, she just chomped it down with the rest of her dry dog food. My niece, Danielle, has five doggos, so she had given me more food suggestions to try. I’m grateful to have a dog-spert in the family to call on.

Everyone in the family is in love with her for our own reasons.

Buddie is thrilled she’s relaxed and “Not like a dog.” in his words.

She’s not allowed on our bed, but managed to sneak in one snuggle last weekend.

Yessa and I feel like she’s actually truly “DOG” with her stick cavorting, squirrel-focused, human-adoring behavior.

Buster loves a pupper who will snuggle.

And Monkey prefers an animal that will give her attention when she wants, and leave her alone when she wants, and Mocha does that perfectly.

I brought up the idea of moving ahead with another dog from the Old Friends Sanctuary, and was met with a resounding “Nope,” from Buddie. So I sent this to the family:

I’m so grateful to have a dog back in the house again. And I know that Mocha and Bo will get along famously when he comes to visit.

We have made one change. She came to us as “Mama Mocha,” due to the 9 puppies. We never really cared for the “Mama” part of that, so immediately dropped to just “Mocha,” and that has evolved again to “Mōchie” or “Mōch.” Or “Mochi,” if you are feeling especially loving. “Monchichi” has even come out of my mouth a few times.

Whatever her name, she’s our new family member.

Yesterday as I drove to an appointment, I saw this and smiled:

“That’s what Mocha will look like as she ages,” I thought.