Home Art Gallery

Home Art Gallery

Paula posted a wonderful idea on Facebook and I’ve cribbed it to share here.

I love the idea just in itself, but I also loved that 4 of the 5 pieces Paula posted I recognized and knew right where they hang. Their home is like a second home for us, so that brought me a smile. And learning the story behind each was a blessing, too.

As I wandered in our home, I realized how happy it makes me to gaze at pictures from our last Italy trip everyday.

Looking at all these pictures of our Italy 2015 trip bring me joy every single day.

And in the spirit of Paula’s vision, here are our 5 pieces of art:

Our master bath has a turtle (Buds) and dragonfly (Ginnie) theme. I see this picture every time I shower and it makes me smile.

For the Juice holiday gift one year, we secretly found out each person’s favorite song, then had an artist create a painting using the sound waves of that song. This is “Blue Boat Home” by Peter Mayer, our favorite.

“Idea of Horse” a painting by Buddie’s father that he gifted us when Buster was born.

This photo hung above our bed in the big yellow house, and if we were changing Baby Buster on that bed, without fail he would stare at it with his huge eyes.

Purchased at a Farmer’s Market we visited with Todd and Gina and 6 young kids between us, many years ago. (Yessa wasn’t a thing yet.)

The three pictures above show what we looked like when we bought the stained glass.

Friend Mike bought this as a gift for us when we were all in Italy together. It’s Piazza Navona, where Buds and I spent many hours on our first trip to Italy.

Paula did such a superb job of noting the artists. Except for Buddie’s dad, I don’t know the creators of the pieces, but we did take a picture of the person who created the Piazza Navona piece.

Artist on a bridge in Rome.

Thanks, PJP, for the inspiration to truly look at the beauty we have on our walls. You also made me realize the painting I see where I sit in for morning meditation is one I don’t care for, so I need to swap it out.

Now, out into the garden, which is my favorite work of art in all the world.