Still Holding...

I’m starting to ponder my life’s choices.

Just passed three hours on hold, and I’ve gotten quite a lot done. Many cards and notes written to loved ones, a couple blog posts, family discussions.

At what point do I decide this is a lost cause for today?

Probably not until the siren song of the sunny sanctuary out back becomes too strong.

In other news, I dreamt of my brother Steven last night. I’ve got a post started about the days around his death, but I need to be able to use my computer to write the post in the way it deserves to be written, so that will have to wait.

I’ve also been pondering that in an alternate, non-COVID-19 universe, we are two hours from landing in Philadelphia on our flight home from Rome.

Being on hold in the comfort and joy of my own home is way better than watching Buddie sleep while we wait at the DMV.