

As I was finishing up yoga this morning, I projected into the future.

Someday when it is just Buds and me, I’ll want to remember these snuggly mornings; the children still tucked in their beds while Buds and I move quietly around the house.

Monkey sleeps like a mummy, straight and flat in the middle of her bed, wrapped in one or two blankets, depending on the temperature. Her alarm is set for a 7:30 wake up call so she can take care of her morning ablutions and head out for a walk before settling into her day.

Next we find Yessa. Of the three, she’s the one who sleeps with her door cracked open, held there by two tennis shoes so it doesn’t slam if a breeze catches it. The cats and dog come and go from her room during the night, hence the open door. There are rain sounds playing, and she’ll be curled into a ball, sleep mask on since she faces the open door and Buds and I will turn on a light at some point.

She, too, will have one or two blankets, depending on the weather and the open window.

Buster sleeps listening to a soothing tune called “Forest Songs” by David Fenn. It plays on an endless loop, repeating all night long. Buster’s room is the smallest and the warmest, so we would find him under one blanket, fan on. His long form stretching from headboard to footboard in the twin bed.

Buds has ground and whipped up his morning cappuccino. Cocooned in his red fleece bathrobe his parents gave him for Christmas decades ago, he’s sipping his coffee, reading the news or blowing up some battleships.

In exquisite timing, Todd mailed us 2 pounds of coffee that appeared in our mailbox yesterday, the very day that we ground up the last of the caffeinated beans that morning.

As I said, I just finished yoga after having been awakened by Mocha’s licks on the arm. If she awakens first and needs to go out, it is me she hunts down. She’s been out and fed, and is now settled back in by Yessa’s side for a few more hours of sleep.

I’ll move from yoga to meditation, then see if Buds wants to take Mocha on a morning jaunt with me.

It’s a Sunday so we’ll watch the church service via Zoom at 11 a.m. I’m “co-hosting” today, which means Jesse will bear the brunt of handling all the tech parts. My main focus will be muting and unmuting people as needed and watching for “Zoom bombers” who are strangers who drop in with unkind plans for our spiritual time together. Thena will be Service Coordinator so I’ll have the comfort of her leading us through the service.

A crisp and wet day here, there will still be wandering through the garden, dumping some dirt, enjoying the outside. It’s funny how much more our land calls to me since we stopped mowing the backyard.

Whatever this day holds for you, I hope there is peace and joy and rituals that bring you comfort.