Puppy Scoots!

Puppy Scoots!

When Buds and I ran out to pick up our CSA box this morning (Post on that to come.), we took Mocha along. Since long driving trips are part of our typical life, we want her to enjoy being in the car and know that it’s not generally not a negative to be loaded up.

Watching everything.

After we got back home, Buds and I dropped off the radishes from our CSA box on the back porch of our next door neighbor, Ken. He loves radishes. We don’t love radishes. It’s the perfect arrangement.

Moch was romping around in the backyard when we popped next door, but she has slight separation anxiety, so when we returned she was waiting for us at the gate. We’d been gone approximately 3 minutes, and she could hear us talking the whole time we were out of her sight, but as soon as we were back in the yard with her, she jumped around and did the “puppy scoots,” that we used to love so much from Chippie.

Commonly called “The Zoomies,” this was the first time we’ve seen her exhibit this behavior. As this video explained, there are a variety of causes, but I suspect for her it was both a stress reliever and a display of excitement.

It has been fantastic to see her comfort increase and her personality round out. She continues to be loving and relaxed, but also showing more and more comfort with playing with us and not worrying quite as much when one of us goes outside.

It did make us smile when Buds and I saw her watching us from Monkey’s bedroom window as we walked down to the get the mail last night. She checked on us, then zipped off to check on someone else.

Snug in her spot.

I’m sure there will be a post about this eventually, but I’ve been pondering my immediate enjoyment and love for this dog, and the realization that I would never have picked her out from a shelter.

We don’t always know what we need in our life…