Easter 2020 was a cold, rainy day, so we took advantage of our apartment renter being quarantined elsewhere and held our family egg hunt in the downstairs apartment. (She’s generous about letting us using the space anytime.)
Buds and I got everything hidden, then the rest of us waited patiently and then finally woke Buster up so we could have the egg hunt before church began.
Hiding the eggs.
Empty baskets, ready to be filled.
Down we go.
On the hunt.
We hid them high…and low…
Can you help a sister out?
Buster found the egg hidden under the glass on the shelf, and totally missed his chocolate bunny sitting in the mug right next to it. Can YOU see the yellow bunny sticking up above the microwave?
Counting how many there are left to find.
He has a very hard time not giving away all the hiding spots.
They learned to follow Buds around to find where eggs were hidden.
So close!
We found them all!
A little post-hunt trading.
Settled in for a snuggle after the hunt.
Easter service with our church crowd.
Not Easter in Sicily, but a wonderful Easter for sure.