

As many people have been doing, Buds and I refinanced our mortgage to take advantage of these amazing rates. Today, the notary came to the house so we could sign all the final documents.

She called me this morning, and we had the sort of conversation that has become typical.

“Can we meet in your garage or on your deck?” she asked.

“I’ll provide our pens.” I said.

“We’ll all be wearing masks,” we both agreed.

We laughed about not being able to tell if all the other people were smiling at each other.

I dislike that I would not recognize her if I saw her again.

We still managed to learn lots about her, which is one of my joys about meeting new people, but it is still a strange new world we are living in.

Realizing that acting in ways I would normally find rude and unacceptable; not shaking hands at the beginning and end of the transaction; not offering a drink or a snack; not standing close enough to put a hand on a shoulder or laugh close together; I miss those human touches, yet it is now a way of showing deep concern and respect for the other person.

I care about you enough not to expose you to the germs I might unknowingly have.

We remain grateful for the folks who are still out there, doing their work.

It matters. They matter.